The Doomsday Clock
March 30, 2023
Friends, Lord Shri Krishna has said that the death of any creature who has taken birth is certain, now this thing is not limited to life only, but the stars also follow this cycle of life and death, now stars take birth and live for millions of years. Later, there is a supernova explosion in them, which is the event of their death. It has been 460 million years before our sun and after about 540 million years from today, it also ends that there will never be a supernova explosion in our sun. There is no star whose flesh is more than 8 times of our face, now since our sun is small, now see that after the explosion, the star turns into a black hole or a neutron star, and since our star is small, it is on the verge of its death. After that a white dwarf will be formed, what is this finofena called, if you know, then definitely tell by commenting below.