5 Signs Youre an Overthinker by rishi kundu

If you have the science of doing this, then think one over.

  Number one, you are indecisive, that is, it becomes difficult for you to take decisions in life, you do not understand what to do and what not to do, so you keep asking other people what to do.  Even if someone shows you a clear path, you confuse yourself by over-complicating things.

Number two, you play your past memories and incidents again and again in your mind and think what mistakes did I make?  I would have told him this time, why did he do this to me? 

Number three, you think a lot about the future too. Some people think negatively that what will happen in the future if it doesn't happen as I thought, then my life will not get spoiled and  Some people think positively, which is also called de dreaming, they keep thinking that in the future, I am doing this, I am living such a lifestyle, in both cases, your mental energy and time is going to sleep and what is less in front of you.  There is zero progress in it. Number four, you get distracted very easily. By over-thinking, your brain has become such that it does not focus on anything for fear.  Didn't realize when you stopped doing that and you got lost in some of your thoughts

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